Uji Efek Analgetik Fraksinasi Ekstrak Etanol Batang Brotowali ( Tinospora crispa L.) Terhadap Mencit (Mus musculus)

  • Suprapto Prayitno
  • Andi Nur ilmi Andriana
Keywords: Ekstrak, Stem Brotowali, Analgesic effect , Mus musculus


The aim of this study to know analgesic effect of  brotowali stem fractination extract and fraction that most quickly gives analgesic effect in mice. This study used method stretching on 15 male mice, which were divided into 5 groups, the first group as a negative control was given Na. CMC, the second group as a positive control was a given suspension of antalgin, the third group were given ether fraction, the fourth group were given chloroforom fraction and the last fifth group were given water fraction, at  a dose of 400 mg/kgBB. Each group was inducted with 1%  acatic acid intraperitoneally, after thirty minutes the each group was given the material test orally, after thirty minutes where observed and calculated the amount of stretching at intervals of five minutes for one hour. The result showed that the ether fraction and chloroforom fraction give the highest percentage proctetion recpectively ( 42.7%, 45.6%) and the highest percentage of effect was 61% water fraction. And for the positive control (antalgin) give the percentage protection respectively 91% and for the negative control (Na. CMC) give the percentage protection respectively 0.
