Identifikasi Senyawa Flavonoid Fraksi Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina Dell.) Dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Uv- Visible Dan Infra Red (IR)
African leaves are widely used for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiviral, anticancer, antihelminthic, antiviral, anticoagulant, antithrombotic, analgesic, and antipyretic properties. It is estimated that the compounds responsible for these effects are flavonoids. Using UV-VIS and Infra Red spectrophotometry, the goal of this study is to identify flavonoid compounds from fraction of African leaves (Vernonia amydalina Dell.). African leaves were extracted using 96% ethanol. Using a separating funnel, the extract was divided into water soluble and solvent-soluble partitions, with n-butanol being the final partition that tested positive for flavonoids. Using TLC-Prevaratif to partition n-butanol into fractions and n-hexane ethyl acetate as the eluent (9:1), four fractions were obtained, including fraction F4, which tested positive for flavonoids. fractions, divisions, and extracts An alkali chloride (AlCl3) solution of 5% was used to identify extracts, partitions, and fractions. Using UV-VIS spectrophotometry, Fraction F4 was identified at a wavelength of 271.00 nm. Using an infrared spectrophotometer, the O-H, C-H, C=C, C=O, and C-O groups were found.
Daun afrika banyak digunakan sebagai antiparasit, antimalaria, antihelmintik, antivirus, antikanker, antikoagulan, antitrombotik, analgesik dan antipiretik, antiinflamasi, antioksidan, antidiabetes, dan antivirus, diperkirakan senyawa yang memberikan efek adalah senyawa flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifaksi senyawa flavonoid fraksi daun Afrika (Vernonia amydalina Dell.) serta dengan spektrofotometri UV-VIS dan Infra Red. Daun Afrika diekstraksi dengan etanol 96%, ekstrak dipartisi dengan pelarut etil ater dan air dengan corong pisah, partisi larut air selanjutnya di partisi dengan n-butanol, dihasilkan partisi n-butanol yang positif flavonoid. Partisi n-butanol di fraksi dengan KLT-Prevaratif dengan eluen n-heksan etil asetat (9;1), diperoleh 4 fraksi dan fraksi ke F4 yang positif flavonoid. Ekstrak, partisi dan fraksi diidentifikasi dengan AlCl3 (Aluminium Klorida) 5% untuk memastikan senyawa flavanoid. Hasil identifikasi Fraksi ke F4 menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-VIS diperoleh panjang gelombang 271.00 nm dan Spektrofotometer Infra Red diperoleh gugus O-H, C-H, C=C, C=O, dan C-O.