Implementasi Internet Of Things Dengan Qrcode Dan Sensor Suhu Untuk Aplikasi Presensi Pegawai Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

  • tukadi tukadi tukadi ITATS
Keywords: Covid-19, QRCODE, ESP32, Body Temperature Sensor GY-906, Quality of Service (QoS)


The outbreak of the COVID-19 disease that has attacked the world since the end of 2019 began in the city of Wuhan, China. Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a type of coronavirus. Various efforts have been made by companies to keep their employees free from COVID-19 cases. Several regulations were changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as those on employee absenteeism. Companies that initially employed fingerprints can now use QR Codes for employee attendance. This research applied an automatic system for serving the employee attendance process by recording the employee data, attendance time, and body temperature check. If an employee's body temperature is declared high, there will be a notification indicating an unfavorable health condition, and the employee is not allowed to work that day. The component used in the series was ESP32, as a functional centre and an intermediary between tools and applications. Next, there was the GY-906 MLX90614 body temperature sensor, functioning as an infrared thermometer for non-contact temperature measurement. The barcode scanner served as a tool to read the QR-code on each employee's cellphone. To test the system, the Quality of Service (QoS) test, consisting of three parameters, was applied. In terms of presence and body temperature systems, first, the throughput value of 72.01812 bytes/s was classified into the poor (medium) category. Second, the delay average value of 0.00000117 ms was categorized as Very Good (Best), and finally, the jitter value of 0 ms was classified as very good (Perfect).

Keywords: Covid-19, QRCODE, ESP32, Body Temperature Sensor GY-906, Quality of Service (QoS)


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