Smart Society Development through the Initiation of New Library Infrastructure Development in Gowa Regency
This research discusses the Gowa Regency Government's initiative to build a new library infrastructure as a step towards developing a smart society. In this ever-evolving information age, libraries are places to read books and knowledge centers that support digital literacy and intellectual growth. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The analytical tool that is maximized is Nvivo 12 Plus. The research results show that constructing a new library infrastructure has increased people's access to digital knowledge and literacy. Inclusive design has enabled the participation of all walks of life, while digital library services have expanded the range of educational resources. Government coordination has also supported efficiency in project implementation. However, low digital literacy and data privacy protection require further attention. This research provides an in-depth look at how library infrastructure development can contribute to developing a smart society, with particular attention to the still-needed improvements.
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