Electronic Equipment Power Usage Control and Monitoring System in the Home Internet Of Things (IOT) Based

  • Dahlan Dahlan Universitas Handayani Makassar
  • Yuyun Yuyun Universitas Handayani Makassar
  • Supriadi Sahibu Universitas Handayani Makassar
Keywords: Control and Monitoring, IoT, PZEM-004T, Node MCU ESP32


The objectives of this study are (1) to achieve energy efficiency and cost savings (2) Internet of Things (IoT)-based control and monitoring systems using Node MCU ESP32 as a data processing center (3) enabling data processing from PZEM-004T sensors and sending control commands to solid state relays (SSR) based on user input via a website application. The implementation of this system shows significant potential in reducing energy consumption and costs in households. With real-time feedback on energy consumption, users can make wiser decisions about the use of electronic equipment, thereby reducing energy waste. Remote control capabilities allow users to manage electronic equipment more effectively, improve security, and reduce unnecessary energy consumption. This study shows that manual electricity usage reaches 9.59%, while with the implementation of the IoT system it is only 5.49%, so there is a saving in electricity consumption of 4.1%. This proves that the IoT system is more effective and efficient in managing the power consumption of electronic equipment.


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