Air Conditioner Control and Monitoring System based on Temperature Balance in Server Room using Fuzzy Logic and Internet of Things Methods
This research develops a temperature and humidity control system in the server room based on the Internet of Things and using fuzzy logic algorithms at AMIK Luwuk Banggai. The system is designed using NodeMCU ESP32, DHT11 sensor, Arduino IDE, and Blynk application, with objective of monitoring and controlling environmental conditions in real time. A series of quantitative experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the sensor system. These experiments involved observations, measurements, and a comparison of the results with manual calculations. The results demonstrate that the DHT11 sensor exhibits a margin of error of 1.21% and a hardware accuracy rate of 98.79%. Furthermore, the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the implementation of fuzzy logic in air conditioner control studies, as demonstrated in this study, has the potential to enhance the accuracy of temperature and humidity control within the room server to an accuracy rate of 90.91%. Furthermore, it can improve the responsiveness of the system in maintaining temperature stability. These findings were observed at AMIK Luwuk Banggai, where the application of IoT and fuzzy logic has been implemented. Fuzzy logic offers an effective and dependable approach to regulating temperature fluctuations in the server room, ensuring a stable environment that minimizes the likelihood of operational issues or hardware damage. The objective is to extend the lifespan of the hardware by preventing such complications.
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